Stockfish Plays A Perfect Evan's Gambit Masterpiece!

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Join NM Sam Copeland as he breaks downs this crazy chess game between Stockfish and Leela Chess Zero in which the Evan's Gambit was played and accepted!
    The Game + PGN:
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Комментарии • 142

  • @chess
    @chess  3 года назад +87

    Hey Everyone! We heard you-- The full game and PGN are now linked in the description of this video to follow along =)

    • @ieee12345
      @ieee12345 3 года назад +3

      The end of book was also clearly marked in the commentary, thank you for portraying engine chess accurately.

    • @shantoreywilkins651
      @shantoreywilkins651 3 года назад


  • @Rain_venuses
    @Rain_venuses 3 года назад +500

    Evans Gambit: **exist**
    Agadmator: *HELLO EVERYONE*

    • @cinegraphics
      @cinegraphics 3 года назад +1

      I was expecting Stockfish to comment this match...

  • @LikeWagon
    @LikeWagon 3 года назад +487

    And it was in this position that Antonio approves this game

    • @Faaizer
      @Faaizer 2 года назад +1

      Antonio bad at chess

  • @S1M91NG
    @S1M91NG 3 года назад +188

    “Now this is the good stuff” I can just hear Agadmator saying this for some reason

  • @jonnieduka4442
    @jonnieduka4442 3 года назад +206

    Agadmator would be really proud.

  • @tenstring959
    @tenstring959 3 года назад +169

    When stockfish played en passant:
    Everyone liked that.

  • @ariavachier-lagravech.6910
    @ariavachier-lagravech.6910 3 года назад +47

    "Chess world needs more Evans Gambit"
    Muffled Agadmator in the background:"PREACH!!!"

  • @govindhramamoorthy8721
    @govindhramamoorthy8721 3 года назад +49

    Leela: Captures, captures and I should be only slightly worse
    Stockfish: And for those of you here to enjoy the show, the move is Nxg5!!

  • @teksapport9351
    @teksapport9351 3 года назад +77

    “Cowards may retreat and not accept the gambit”
    *yes it is required to take the pawn it is the l a w*

  • @radar9561
    @radar9561 3 года назад +9

    7:10 pawn to g6 is what I would have played in that position. When Lc0 plays the 1800-2000 elo move you know it's not a good situation.

  • @tristenholley1512
    @tristenholley1512 3 года назад +26

    Antonio is gonna love this

  • @ProgZ
    @ProgZ 3 года назад +6

    Stockfish : *en passant*
    Me : "I see you're a man of culture as well."

  • @leavethebasket7435
    @leavethebasket7435 3 года назад +11

    Such a good game. I love living in an age where content like this exists.

  • @jontancena
    @jontancena 3 года назад +21

    But you can see, stockfish likes the move.
    Me making stockfish analyze it's own move: just *good* not excellent, not best, just *good*

  • @BorisGamingChannel
    @BorisGamingChannel 3 года назад +39

    Agadmator approved

  • @willburchett4667
    @willburchett4667 3 года назад +6

    It’s so weird watching stockfish play it’s own games instead of just telling me how bad mine are

  • @ighsight
    @ighsight 3 года назад

    Love the Evan's Gambit, play it every chance I get. Haven't done any book work on it so this video was instructive. The position at 13:56 after QxR is simply incredible- so often we see the machine resolve to these positions that 99% of human players would pass up in thinking that their attack has no more continuations.

  • @ounobaga1829
    @ounobaga1829 3 года назад +3

    Brilliant move: a move that a computer didn't think was the best move
    Stockfish, a computer: makes a brilliant move

    • @junwei8480
      @junwei8480 3 года назад +1

      a brilliant move most of the time are seen by the computer

    • @siddhantjhaveri
      @siddhantjhaveri 3 года назад

      @@junwei8480 yes it's just that it's so good they don't expect you to play it but in reality most of the time it's just one the 2 legal moves 🙄

  • @STJukes
    @STJukes 3 года назад +3

    The time control is 1+1... it can't exactly be taken too seriously.

  • @heffalump111
    @heffalump111 3 года назад

    Hey Sam, I highly apprechiate the quote you brought up. It emphasises the importance of the experience, of the inherent game knowledge that the great masters have. Its not about the exciting fireworks, its about the silent approach to them, the quiet preparing moves to set up the fireworks for the finish.
    Thank you.

  • @jonnieduka4442
    @jonnieduka4442 3 года назад +14

    Feature this game please agad lol

  • @thelegendaryphoenix6860
    @thelegendaryphoenix6860 3 года назад +13

    Evans Gambit is the Rasputin of chess it still hasn't been refuted by engines even though almost all of real gambits have been

    • @paulcn7693
      @paulcn7693 3 года назад +6

      Is is refuted but not with the line you Take on c3 , this was predefined opening

    • @thelegendaryphoenix6860
      @thelegendaryphoenix6860 3 года назад +7

      @@paulcn7693 it is a lesser opening for engines but is still possible while other gambits just lose to engines and it can still be played a the super GM level but the grandmasters don't like making Agadmator happy

    • @dannygjk
      @dannygjk 3 года назад

      @@paulcn7693 so it is known that black wins?

    • @patstaysuckafreeboss8006
      @patstaysuckafreeboss8006 3 года назад

      Evans Gambit solves chess

    • @paulcn7693
      @paulcn7693 3 года назад +1

      @@dannygjk most likely a draw

  • @uujuu316
    @uujuu316 3 года назад +1

    now i wanna play evans gambit even though im not that good of a attacking player

  • @jozefserf2024
    @jozefserf2024 Год назад +1

    Stockfish's play here is strangely reminiscent of some of Morphy's games.
    Is this what near perfect chess looks like?

  • @loading...2876
    @loading...2876 3 года назад +1

    Stock fish: omae wa mou shindeiru
    Leela: Nani?!??

  • @GotAnyChance
    @GotAnyChance 3 года назад +1

    Why did it sound like there was a Croatian hunk breathing heavily when 4. c4 hit the board?

  • @anaslolozi4187
    @anaslolozi4187 3 года назад

    " The chess world needs more Evans Gambit "

  • @vineetpandey08
    @vineetpandey08 3 года назад +2

    We might see Agad covering this match

  • @1212_Bir
    @1212_Bir 3 года назад +5

    Yay !!!! finally , NM Sam is back !!
    & what a way to be back !!
    (Yes , back with yet another victory of Stockfish.13 !!! )

  • @mizofan
    @mizofan 3 года назад

    Capt William Davies Evans (1790-1872), Welsh seafarer and inventor.. Good video.

  • @yoru120
    @yoru120 3 года назад

    8:14 black makes a mistake h6
    the evaluation jump from 0 to ~1.5 means white now has advantage
    9:09 black makes another mistake Kh8, the evaluation now ~2.6. White is completely winning

  • @maruthasalamoorthiviswanat153
    @maruthasalamoorthiviswanat153 3 года назад +1

    thank you sir, yes its a really great game, if possible please upload Alpha zero's Evans gambit games

  • @scheimong
    @scheimong 3 года назад +1

    Black played the entire game down a rook and a bishop. If you covered the names I would've guessued it's Morphy vs Dufus

  • @yndihalda
    @yndihalda 3 года назад +1

    I wish the PGN was available in the description, would've been able to send it to Antonio. :'(

  • @raghavendraam112
    @raghavendraam112 3 года назад +1

    Instead of Pawn to d6 lila could have put a pawn to c5 protected by the black queen on f8 and preventing the white Queenn from delivering a check on the e5 h8 diagonal

  • @MMhb-dj1hj
    @MMhb-dj1hj 3 года назад +1

    Spielmann scared the hell out of me.

  • @cheesiechess3656
    @cheesiechess3656 3 года назад +3

    Me reading title: Stockfish plays a perfect game.
    Me: Wow, so impressive, a computer plays computer perfect moves, who would've thought...

  • @thomasaskew1985
    @thomasaskew1985 3 года назад +1

    The amount of energy that goes into those attacks is just beyond human. I have been losing to chess computers since 1992. I have no doubt that no human will ever be able to beat the best computer. How long before that is the case with medicine or law? What an idea: have everyone represented by a computer that covered medical conditions and legal matters. That would assure the best representation for the poor, rich, and middle class alike.

  • @pukulu
    @pukulu 8 месяцев назад

    9. Bg5 is probably the best move although 9. e5 has been more common in the past. Either way, the Compromised defense is simply too difficult for Black, although Zukertort used to play it at the highest level in the 19th century.

  • @inception6824
    @inception6824 3 года назад +4

    Agadmator loves this

  • @Quinntessentialskill
    @Quinntessentialskill 3 года назад +1

    Congratulations on 700k!

  • @soumyajitroy5239
    @soumyajitroy5239 3 года назад +4

    Evans gambit is easy to equalize nowadays but when it comes to computers it is always fascinating to watch

  • @RiskyBisky11
    @RiskyBisky11 3 года назад

    Agadmators birthday and a brilliant Evans Gambit game what more could he want

  • @ChessGarage
    @ChessGarage Год назад

    Evan's Gambit is deadly at blitz.

  • @tylerschannel
    @tylerschannel 3 года назад +2

    Somebody show this to agadmator .

  • @Dense_Osmium
    @Dense_Osmium 3 года назад +2

    Agadmator would be happy

  • @davidrobertson1980
    @davidrobertson1980 3 года назад

    Only a computer could win 3 pawns down in the start! Thought it was going to be a slaughter, but Leela got slaughtered instead!

  • @blobbie2966
    @blobbie2966 3 года назад

    At 6:24 why didn’t stockfish pawn on F6 take G7 check?

  • @LSpencer777
    @LSpencer777 3 года назад

    Hopefully someone has already said this, but it's Evans Gambit, not Evan's. The inventor's last name was Evans. There was nobody named Evan.

  • @teefaka
    @teefaka 3 года назад

    Petition to feature this game in Agadmators channel

  • @azamat_bagatov69
    @azamat_bagatov69 3 года назад

    Great video, loved the detailed lines

  • @dhushy63
    @dhushy63 3 года назад +1

    Agadmator is proud

  • @ioanniskleanthous4810
    @ioanniskleanthous4810 3 года назад +1

    Y play a practically refuted line? There is practically 1 computer move for Evans gambit accepted and everything else looses even leela would avoid it if not programed .

  • @quitethevoyeur
    @quitethevoyeur 2 года назад

    Am learning Evans Gambit and you were incredibly clear. How is it that Stockfish calculates better than Leela in this game?

  • @fingerfeller
    @fingerfeller Год назад

    amazing game, thank you

  • @saratkumar2009
    @saratkumar2009 3 года назад

    👏👏👏thanks Master Sam

  • @rhyschen
    @rhyschen 3 года назад

    I always never thought of playing the Evan's Gambit although I knew about it maybe that's why I'm at 1600 and not 1800

  • @1m2ogaming
    @1m2ogaming 3 года назад

    Nice video will like to see more of those

  • @indu_prakash160
    @indu_prakash160 3 года назад +1

    Wow sir what a game

  • @kevinruesch2864
    @kevinruesch2864 2 года назад

    What do you think of international chess master Josh Waitkens? I mainly learned a lot of my beginning chess study from him

  • @richardreasoner728
    @richardreasoner728 3 года назад +1

    I play the Evans and now people gonna start knowing how to defend :'(

  • @rabaromar4100
    @rabaromar4100 Год назад

    Game 18 watched ❤

  • @ajb2436
    @ajb2436 3 года назад

    It’s interesting how you say cowards don’t accept it, but leela would probably always accept it as it is the best move

    • @dannygjk
      @dannygjk 3 года назад

      Yes iirc it is generally the opinion of strong players and engines that accepting the Evans Gambit is best.

  • @LeventK
    @LeventK 3 года назад +3

    Can't wait for agad to make a vid on this game.

    • @kobepetro8942
      @kobepetro8942 3 года назад +2

      i swear i see you in every comment section

  • @user-ov2kx8ql5i
    @user-ov2kx8ql5i 3 года назад

    Agadmator is happy

  • @2phil4u
    @2phil4u 3 года назад

    Nice at move 17 you say stockfish evaluate white much better but my st14 evaluate the position even and g6 the best move.

  • @saradhisalem5867
    @saradhisalem5867 3 года назад

    We want Daniel rensch to cover these videos

  • @nachiketh7163
    @nachiketh7163 3 года назад

    yay we love evans gambit

  • @wordkyle
    @wordkyle 3 года назад

    When I used to play tournament chess I hated playing black against the Evans. I also hated the _players_ who played the Evans.

  • @Gush27
    @Gush27 3 года назад

    Love Sam’s videos great job

  • @usual_perfect_stuff
    @usual_perfect_stuff 3 года назад

    the pawn takes f5 not f6, don't I understand something here? 🤔

  • @yea9866
    @yea9866 3 года назад

    i would think i made that "blunder" @ 2:37

  • @echothegekoo2823
    @echothegekoo2823 3 года назад

    Almost 700k subs, let’s GOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • @szymonadamek1269
    @szymonadamek1269 3 года назад

    yes, breaks downs

  • @Robzabest25
    @Robzabest25 3 года назад

    what was the best opener? did they get that stat?

  • @jacobpaniagua8785
    @jacobpaniagua8785 3 года назад

    Give me NM James Canty III or give me death

  • @bhgtree
    @bhgtree Год назад

    Poor Leela, but a great win by SF.

  • @Alkuf100
    @Alkuf100 3 года назад

    I love the evans gambit! Everytime I encounter it as black I win becausethe opponent doesnt know the line and when he does it just leads to equality with against someone who doesnt know how to play chess after you take away his only trick

  • @mhdessouky
    @mhdessouky 3 года назад

    Gr8 commentator ty Sam :)

  • @TheHawk007
    @TheHawk007 3 года назад +1

    Agad video incoming 😂😂😂

  • @jacksprat7525
    @jacksprat7525 3 года назад

    Evans gambit?
    Agadmator : hold my beer
    Would anyone support my petition to have the knights renamed? I'd like everyone to start calling them "hippity hops". Love from India. 🇮🇳❤️

  • @darklexx2659
    @darklexx2659 3 года назад +1

    6:15 i dont understand how u take that pawn

  • @markhoulsby359
    @markhoulsby359 3 года назад

    *cough* Evans' Gambit *cough*

  • @coco_bold
    @coco_bold 3 года назад

    leela was shreded from start to end

  • @surajshuklapiano9773
    @surajshuklapiano9773 3 года назад +1


  • @matthiassaupe6320
    @matthiassaupe6320 3 года назад

    Leela must be very disappointed.

  • @Varney_of_London
    @Varney_of_London 3 года назад +1

    Why do humans think its a good idea to place these engines into bad positions? Why not allow the engines to play what they want to play and go from there to see which engine is best.

    • @dariobarisic3502
      @dariobarisic3502 3 года назад +1

      Because it will end in a draw 99% of the time. You have to make them play variety of openings and then see who wins more times.

    • @Varney_of_London
      @Varney_of_London 3 года назад

      @@dariobarisic3502 But thats not at all true; the initial Alpha Zero vs Stockfish match demonstrated that. At the very least (in the spirit of having some variety) maybe make the engines play ( for example) e4 10 times, d4 ten times, ect ect as white and reverse things as black.
      But placing them into out right bad positions just seems faulty to me...

    • @maalikserebryakov
      @maalikserebryakov 3 года назад

      No we need to force the engines to play the way we want them to

  • @chessplayer1361
    @chessplayer1361 3 года назад

    Does Stockfish play the same opening as black against Leela?

  • @avinaashashastry3910
    @avinaashashastry3910 3 года назад

    It doesn't really accomplish anything, but it's really hard to accomplish anything.

  • @Avague
    @Avague 3 года назад

    so who won this tournament?

  • @douglasquaid7550
    @douglasquaid7550 3 года назад

    aggadmator likes this

  • @Zawnpuia1640
    @Zawnpuia1640 3 года назад

    When leela went for the Evans gambit she won
    When stockfigh whment for it he won.
    Does it mean Evans gambit is the best opening? 😅☝😄

  • @user-qc7vf7pb3c
    @user-qc7vf7pb3c 3 года назад

    Hey where r u my man

  • @yuvalbadash7533
    @yuvalbadash7533 3 года назад

    Where's James???? We want jc iii

  • @Askhat08
    @Askhat08 3 года назад

    This player probably was using an engine.

  • @benjyperez5606
    @benjyperez5606 3 года назад

    Cool but my opponents never play dxc3

  • @valezeb
    @valezeb 3 года назад

    This doesn't make any sense . Why would stockfish be given slight advantage against Leela

    • @quag443
      @quag443 3 года назад +1

      There was no advantage given because after this game, Stockfish was forced to play the same line as black and Leela as white. The result was a draw. In that game, both sides played exactly the same moves until move 16 where instead of ...g6, Stockfish went for ...f5 - as mentioned briefly in this video at 5:44 - Stockfish was then able to equalize the game and secure the draw.

  • @dannygjk
    @dannygjk 3 года назад

    Which sf? Classic or nnue.

  • @amark350
    @amark350 3 года назад

    Could AlphaZero beat Stockfish 13?

    • @Askhat08
      @Askhat08 3 года назад

      I don' think so. Stockfish 13 is also using a neural network to evaluate position.

    • @DebuggerKnight
      @DebuggerKnight 3 года назад

      it was stockfish 8

  • @macavalon3657
    @macavalon3657 3 года назад