All games have them. Characters that evoke feelings of dislike, disgust, or hatred. There are a lot of such personalities in being a DIK, for example, most preps or jocks, but they are insignificant. I decided to pick the ten most unpleasant people in the game (this list does not include the main LI) I wonder which characters you hate the most? It will be interesting to hear.
Okay, I'll start from the least annoying to the most hated. My personal hate-list:
10. Heather. Her bitchiness, hysteria and arrogance are repulsive from the very beginning. “I don't talk to maggots” – that was memorable. Heather is like a typical Karen who makes a scream in mall and wants to talk to the manager. I don't understand why she's dating Tommy if she doesn't like the DIK vibe? It's not very nice of her to pry the MC about Tommy's cheating. Family comes first and I will never give up on DIK Brother
9. Nick. Nick DIK

. He seems very suspicious to me. Quiet and suspiciously calm, which is alarming. Winnie's best friend, one of the founding fathers of the fraternity. He was in the library after the laptop was found. Also, his room was not touched during the vandalism of the mansion. Very strange coincidences, I would not talk to him too much.
8. Caleb. The biggest jock is expectedly the dumbest. Even his brick-shaped face speaks of it.

I hope the MC kicks his ass right. What did this guy forget in college? He needs to go to MMA
7. Becky. Does this girl ever close her mouth? “Only cool people are invited to the party”, “These nerds are ruining our fun”, “Why are you dancing here, this is a drinking area, REEEEEEE!” An empty place with a toxic attitude and the manners of a queen. Completely agree with Maya. This lady thinks she's the center of the universe, but unlike Sage and Quinn, she's nothing. Her statement that "sororities are yesterday" causes a facepalm. She's just a dick hole, nothing more. But I don't think you should do it in Episode 7. There could be bad consequences for your relationship with LI, she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. For example, Maya and Josie will not like it when Becky says that MC flirted with her. Seriously, stay away from her unless your path is "Others".
6. Jade. Sweet forbidden fruit. Perverted teacher. Now we already understand that this forbidden fruit is fraught with very bad consequences. It's not just about the plot twist at the end of the second season. Jade is an overbearing narcissist and careerist. She perceives the MC as her toy and as long as you are on her side, everything will be fine. But if you play with her and quit, expect the consequences. Even if her gender studies course is gone, she will try to ruin your college life. She has enough power to do it. Jade directly talks about this in the MC message when he ends the relationship. I suspect that things could end badly for Maya in this case. If you dumped Jade for Sage, that's a total asshole. So it's best to stay away from Jade.
5. Stephen Burke. Another one of the corrupt Burke family. Gray eminence, pervert and fucker young college girls for money from a restaurant. Seriously, if you messed up with Jade, don't show the video to the DIK's. Blackmail from Professor Burke is guaranteed. In addition, this dickhead is involved in Mona's departure from college when she refused to fuck with him. Professor Burke! Harvey Wannstein's place is available to you and I believe that karma will find its purpose in the end.
4. Madame Rose. By far the most useless character ever. She suits the MC like a grandmother. How old is she? 50? 60? Varicose veins, which she clearly sees, occur more often in older people. And you can't hide it behind a young face. The DPC seems to have decided to troll the players who chose a strip club instead of a nursing home. You don't want to work in a nursing home? Get an old lady at a strip club.

Seriously, it's just throwing money away for nasty scenes of grandma's debauchery. Derek would love it. Even more butthurt from the realization that it takes time to render this shit and the game could have come out earlier.
3. Dawe
. Asshole and bully. Nobody loves Dawe. A dwarf who considers himself a jock, kicking his ass is as easy as shelling pears. He stays for the second year many times in a row. My question is, how was he not expelled from college for assaulting a teacher? I'm talking about the moment he threw a plastic cup at Kathy. Not only should he have been expelled for this, Cathy could have charged him. It's strange that B&R tolerates this behavior. Maybe his parents are rich and he has connections in college leadership? Let's see about this. And the top moment is when all the HOT ones cancel Dawe in the Rooster for his message. FUCK YOU DAWE!
2. Tybalt. Ha ha, almost the whole family is on my list. Except for one beautiful, decent girl (if you know who I mean).
Professional panty sniffer, liar, manipulator and blackmailer. Tybalt is comically arrogant and naive, acting like a clown. A collective image and caricature of a promiscuous rich elitist. He is naive in relationships with people. He grew up in isolation and doesn't know anything about people, or just think too highly of himself. How was it possible to notice that you are not interesting to Jill? When he proposed to her, I was hysterical with laughter. Tybalt calls the poor people the residents of the upper middle class (Bella's area). He is trying to show how rich he is, to rise above people, hiding his complexes of a complete loser. His behavior is disgusting in everything, I want to tell him: “Tybalt, the only girl you deserve is a watermelon in your bed.” His self-tanner, which turns the skin orange, makes you think that Tybalt is a parody of one of the American presidents. Well, you understand. Any evil is punishable and Tybalt at the end of the season gets a cold shower from Jill and is left to cry with a watermelon. Such a pleasure.
1. Patrick Bailey. Maya's father. Maybe for someone unexpected first place. This dude is a complete bastard who believes that his daughter is property and he can decide how she should live. Overprotective parents are a problem for any child, they are pressured and limited in all actions. But in Patrick's case, it went too far. Domestic psychological abuse (only psychological?), blackmail, harassment, invasion of privacy and the icing on the cake - credit fraud. And this is a criminal article. Maya will end well. I'm thinking of giving her that $5,000 of my mom's inheritance to pay her lawyer fees. Patrick is a hypocrite and a coward, he only mocks Maya. Over an introverted girl who can't fight back. He doesn't touch Derek. Because Derek has balls of steel in the first place. Secondly, he does not care at all what his father will do to him. I hope for justice and a long prison term for Patrick in a common cage with black gangsters from a street gang. Patrick becomes Patricia.
Here is such a top of villains, assholes and just annoying characters. If anyone has any ideas, please share