is being good looking a blessing or curse?

It cuts both ways. Sometimes I'll see women at work who are smokin' hot, and I wonder if they get the jobs because of their looks or because of their abilities.

In some ways, I expect them to prove themselves.
It's almost impossible to answer this from personal experience because

What a crock. Lol. Be as good looking as you want: sure, you'll have a pretty outside.

Narcissists will love this thread. Oh wait... I see many have already!

Beware: looks fade. Have substance. Now that's attractive.

But I will say, from personal experience, that attractiveness and charisma can help one get a foot in the door. And I think there are people who are put-off/jealous/uncomfortable and make unfair assumptions about people they don't know. So it could be a disadvantage in some situations.

However, the power must be used only for good, never for evil.
"I've been told I'm good looking. And hot." Me, too. From an early age and more times than I care to count. But when I look in the mirror I don't get it. I'm remembering a NOVA documentary on PBS a few years ago in which researchers found that facial geometry and symmetry determined what people consider attractive. Tom Cruise's face, e.g., had near perfect geometric ratios and left-right symmetry. Yet it's all unconscious: we know it when we see it but we don't know why it's attractive. Left-right symmetry may indicate "better" genes, better nutrition while in the womb and growing up, and lower lifetime incidence of some diseases.

To answer the OP's question, it's a blessing.
I'd have to say it's definitely a blessing. I'm good-looking, tall (6'3"), well-built (190 lbs), athletic (former high school and college football player). I've found that the combination has landed me more chicks in a week than most guys get in their entire lifetime. It's also helped in my social life and business. I'm usually the leader in any group and I've been promoted faster and further than my abilities would warrant. I've leapfrogged past guys equally or better equipped (hehe) for the job. (Since we have company-sponsored gym membership, I've can also attest they're much better equipped cock-wise.)

Studies support these advantages. Good-looking, taller, and more athletic guys have the edge, even on first impression. (Also, blondes, but I missed out there.) When I first went to work, my college football gave me an inside edge with many of my bosses socially. The studies also show that this holds true even for just going to a gym or just jogging.

. . .my cock can't cash the checks my looks write, haha. I've had very interested guys very obviously lose interest once they saw my barely-average (if that) cock. But, eh. People like my former friend would tell me to cry them a river about that, since at least I still get the dates or the come-ons. . .

True. I've heard the familiar surprised comment, "Your cock's much smaller than I'd expect for a guy your size." As I've explained many times to those curious about my success with women, it's due to my looks (and personality), not the size of my cock. If that were the case, I'd be a virgin.
Good looking depends upon who you ask. I just posted a poll about Star Trek guys and so far, out of 30 guys listed in the poll, almost all have at least 1 or 2 votes for being hot. Every race listed has votes as hot and the older ones and the younger ones have votes as hot. I am a redhead, and I know some guys turn away from redheads and others run toward redheads. Good looking and lust is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes it is brains that makes a guy hot.
On the other hand. . .

It can have it's downside. I've known chicks who've been put off by my good-looks, perhaps they associate it with being shallow and sell-centered. I've also found some who are turned off by (dumb) jocks, especially (former) football players like myself. Big apes!

I remember having the hots for this really cute chick. Dreamed about her. Obsessed. Got nowhere with her. Instead she went out with this nerdy runt with glasses. Can you believe? Must have had a big dick!
Funny how I was looking at that other thread where...duh, it is more of a blessing to be hung than not. Of course. Now even though I'm not hung, I am quite handsome or at least have been told that quite a bit and feel really lucky to have kind of a tom cruise like look. I think those good looks get me more than someone who might have a super good secret in their pants. So I'm actually feeling very blessed to have a great set of eyes!
Super young looking I have very prominent limbal rings on my eyes which adds to the problem and it comes off more aggressive looking
I think for the most part, being particularly good looking is a blessing for men as it tends to positively supplement our ability and selectivity in mating and dating.... but I think it's a more of a curse for women as it tends to foster delusion and discontent, even if it appears to maximize their options.
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I know that I have always been good looking. It has always helped me with job interviews, finding sexual partners, asking for favours, room and flight upgrades, popularity at school, getting second chances etc.

I am not being arrogant or conceited. It is what it is. It's no different than being born into a rich family. What is important is making the most of the opportunities that it gives you.

I have a cousin who was also good looking. He was sexually abused by two male teachers over a period of time at his school. He became a drug addict as a teenager. He was an alcoholic. He spent years in and out of prison for robberies and drugs and ended up committing suicide.

So just because you look like you have it all, doesn't mean you will end up that way.
Being good looking and Being hung are kinda similar. With both, people tend to treat you differently and opportunities seem to magically appear. I’d imagine if you possessed both, you’d damn near feel like you could take over the world. Lol
Being good looking is good for jobs.

Being hung is good for locking in girlfriends and wives. Hung guys I know have relationships 10+ years long the women won’t let go.

I knew a guy who was hung when I was a little kid because my family would talk about it he was a friend of the family. Seen him 20 years later and his wife is still there lol.