SHADO Mobiles vs submerged UFO

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Commander Straker lets a UFO land on Earth hoping to capture and study it - instead the UFO hides in a large pond until it's flushed out by the SHADO mobiles
    #gerryanderson #shado #sciencefiction

Комментарии • 32

  • @danallshaw1131
    @danallshaw1131 2 года назад +7

    Great work getting this up and running.

  • @ktmstardis6946
    @ktmstardis6946 Год назад +4

    Brilliant episode, loved every minute of it. Gripping to see Ed Straker thinking if he should let this UFO pass moonbase defenses. I can see him toying with the idea that maybe there's an opportunity to learn more about the Aliens , but it would be risky...!

  • @PeterMancini
    @PeterMancini 2 года назад +12

    Love these. You should have a million subscribers. Reminds me of sitting in my grandparents house watching this show with my grandfather.

  • @wilneal8015
    @wilneal8015 2 года назад +3

    Enuff with the Aliens!
    More Gabrielle Drake❤😊🎉❤

  • @roberthyland6554
    @roberthyland6554 2 года назад +7

    That was my favorite clip from the series! Looks awesome in high resolution, too. Thanks for sharing.

  • @richardwarfield7386
    @richardwarfield7386 2 года назад +4

    Still have my Shado Mobile - packed away for safe keeping. Maybe I will take it out and play with it this weekend.🤩

  • @gabrielegasparini5779
    @gabrielegasparini5779 2 года назад +6

    Fantastic SHADO

  • @tetornow
    @tetornow Год назад +2

    In southern England, that would create enough noise to wake everyone within a 25-mile radius. Still one of my favorite shows from my childhood.

  • @hectoreduardo-h3r
    @hectoreduardo-h3r 2 года назад +2

    Brilliant series 👽

  • @marcconyard5024
    @marcconyard5024 Год назад +2

    The best battle scene ever in this series. You really get an idea how powerful the energy weapon was on the UFOs. I saw this episode in supper 16mm at a theater years ago and the resolution gave a much better experience. The detail was stunning.

    • @FandersonUfo
      @FandersonUfo  Год назад

      they did a good scan of a fresh 35mm print for the blurays - 🛸✨

  • @sheep1ewe
    @sheep1ewe Год назад +2

    I love the details of the models, they must had put in a lot of work building the models and the dioramas, it was probably small scale models as well, the persons who made them must hawe had a genuine passion for their creations! I hope some of the models are still preserved, that would be awesome!_

    • @FandersonUfo
      @FandersonUfo  Год назад - 🛸✨видео.html - 👽✨

  • @oldgoat142
    @oldgoat142 Год назад +1

    Now how pray tell, did this little gem slip past me? I'm just getting this now? Nevertheless, excellent as always.
    Everybody giving Straker the quizzical eye at the beginning like, What's up with the old man?
    Flushing out that UFO was a bit of a noisy business. I'm sure the firefight woke up the neighbors, lol!

    • @FandersonUfo
      @FandersonUfo  Год назад +1

      RUclips is less than perfect notifying folk - it is a hugely complicated interconnected network so I'm amazed there aren't more glitches - I'm not sure how clear I made Straker's motive of recovering the UFO for a change but the fire fight is pretty good anyway - 🛸✨

  • @ストレイカー専務
    @ストレイカー専務 2 года назад +3

    my favorite. I want next scene.

    • @FandersonUfo
      @FandersonUfo  2 года назад +1видео.html - 🛸👽✨

  • @wallybartfay56
    @wallybartfay56 Месяц назад

    Loved the girls with the purple hair...

  • @GloriaKodama
    @GloriaKodama 11 месяцев назад +1

    Top vídeo

  • @douglashenry6996
    @douglashenry6996 2 года назад +2

    SID was JARVIS before there was JARVIS.

    • @joeboxter3635
      @joeboxter3635 2 года назад +3

      SID was AI, before there was the word "AI".

  • @TATANKA-nf4ck
    @TATANKA-nf4ck Год назад


  • @albertobiondi3117
    @albertobiondi3117 29 дней назад

    Ma perché gli Ufo devono fare tutto quel rumore????

  • @S.H.A.D.O.999
    @S.H.A.D.O.999 Год назад

    Well, the pronunciation improves over time ( and space 😁 ) ...

  • @笹間輝明
    @笹間輝明 10 месяцев назад


  • @jeromesevrain6712
    @jeromesevrain6712 2 года назад

    Crappy tactick anyway!

  • @KnowTrentTimoy
    @KnowTrentTimoy 2 года назад +7

    The mobiles won this round but one was destroyed during this encounter. Having Skydiver 8 standing nearby to attack and destroy would've been a clearer tactic. It just amazes me that NO ONE else saw this encounter between SHADO forces and an alien craft. LOL