British Highschoolers try REAL Korean Street Toast in Korea!

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Today, the boys had a relaxing day, looking around and finding hidden gems of Seoul. To finish off the day, we went to have one of the things the boys always wanted to try in Korea. Korean street toast! So, we headed to EggDrop to try a variety of premium Korean street toasts.
    If you’d like to know more about eggdrop →
    오늘은 서울 구경을 제대로 한 여유로운 시간을 보내고 금방 또 배가 고파진 학생들을 데리고 그토록 한국에서 먹고 싶다 했던 K-길거리 토스트를 먹으러 갔는데요! 이번엔 프리미엄 버전을 소개해주려 에그드랍으로 가서 다양한 토스트를 먹어봤습니다!
    #에그드랍 이 더 궁금하다면 →

Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @koreanenglishman
    @koreanenglishman  2 года назад +13693

    이번에 영국 고딩들의 한국 수학여행 시리즈를 계획하면서 학생들에게 정말 뜻깊은 추억을 만들어주고 싶은 마음이 가장 컸는데요. 그러다보니 학생들이 사전에 한국을 방문하면 꼭 해보고 싶다고 했던 것들과 한국에 가면 제가 꼭 소개하고 싶은 다양한 것들 외에도 카메라 없이 편하게 즐길 수 있는 많은 일정들도 준비했답니다.
    그동안 여러분들이 보내주신 소중한 의견들을 반영해서 앞으로는 계획한 콘텐츠 촬영 외 순간에 학생들이 한국에서 어떤 시간을 보냈는지도 틈틈이 함께 소개할 예정입니다. 영국 고딩시리즈에 보내주시는 사랑과 관심에 정말 감사드려요. 앞으로 더 재미난 영상들 많이 기대해주세요!

    On this school trip to Korea, we really wanted the boys to have the best possible experience. So we didn’t want to have cameras on them all the time! We planned out videos that we thought the boys would love to film, and then lots of stuff off camera too so that the boys could have fun filming but also have a break and relax at times.
    We’ve seen you guys’ comments though, and so we’ll be including more footage filmed on phones in our times off, and some more from behind the scenes! Thanks for watching this series. There is still so much to come!

    • @아-k1t6m
      @아-k1t6m 2 года назад +358

      이거 볼려고 맨날 기다립니다ㅎㅎ

    • @umum...
      @umum... 2 года назад +244

      영국 고등학생 이야기가 점점 기대가 커지네요!

    • @devrisyalie
      @devrisyalie 2 года назад

      Thank you 🥹💖

    • @user-pd9zq8ym2d
      @user-pd9zq8ym2d 2 года назад +134


    • @Mylifeisatask
      @Mylifeisatask 2 года назад +110


  • @star.surfer9446
    @star.surfer9446 2 года назад +5669

    Bobby calling his mom about everything is so sweet, he’s truly so nice. All the boys are!

    • @Juniper122
      @Juniper122 Год назад +21

      Watching them all grow and experience all of these new things is food for the soul. I’m so glad that they’re having these experiences!

  • @jackielopez3567
    @jackielopez3567 2 года назад +5523

    Why was Armand immediately confirming that Max is Indian so endearing? lol They have the cutest friendship

    • @snowflakejungs2737
      @snowflakejungs2737 2 года назад +226

      i replayed that part a lot of times too, they have the cutest friendship

    • @Midnight0Mistress
      @Midnight0Mistress 2 года назад +61

      @@snowflakejungs2737 they really do! It's absolutely adorable

    • @robopecha
      @robopecha 2 года назад +37

      armand is so condescending. like he has to say its true because obviously max cant be taken seriously. but when he says it its true.

    • @aditi.m5
      @aditi.m5 2 года назад +396

      @@robopecha oh come on, it was just a simple moment. i think you're taking it too far?

    • @MysteriMustacheToast
      @MysteriMustacheToast 2 года назад +221

      @@robopecha Yeah you weirdo you talking like you know Armand personally Lmao

  • @annagorgen6130
    @annagorgen6130 2 года назад +2856

    It's honestly so interesting how much cultural background the boys have - this episode very prominent Max's Indian and Armand's French background. Would love to see an episode of the boys introducing their favourite dishes from home/their families!!

    • @riseagainphoenix
      @riseagainphoenix 2 года назад +166

      I don't think anyone didn't already know Armand was french?? He has a strong french accent.

    • @lalokica
      @lalokica 2 года назад +78

      holy shit this whole time i thought his accent was south african i’m dead 💀

    • @brendanmystery
      @brendanmystery 2 года назад +52

      @@riseagainphoenix I think most had a feeling he might be french, but there can be lots of reasons why he might have that accent.

    • @Midnight0Mistress
      @Midnight0Mistress 2 года назад

      @@brendanmystery Apparently some fans did some research on his last name and Armand is a descendent of French nobility

    • @jenncampbell8537
      @jenncampbell8537 2 года назад +22

      I'm more used to a Canadian French accent which can be quite different and I actually thought it was a South African accent too! As soon as I read these comments though, it's obviously French 🤣

  • @Seanph25
    @Seanph25 2 года назад +4011

    “You’re like a boyband and he’s the lead singer” and then Armand’s little “why didn’t you guys tell me 🥺” was so funny 😂

  • @pmal5680
    @pmal5680 2 года назад +4975

    Bobby seems like the kind to have this trip seriously change his life. He seems so genuinely excited about trying new things and learning. I bet he ends up traveling all over the place after this

    • @shimino815
      @shimino815 2 года назад +116

      From a person who first time overseas like i do
      I know how he feels like it really an eye opening experience

    • @victrola2007
      @victrola2007 2 года назад +37

      NO doubt about it! It's a beautiful thing. 🕊❣("A WHOLE NEW WORLD" playing in the background)

    • @ninonewshinee
      @ninonewshinee 2 года назад +19

      Bobby is so cuteee

    • @javierasalgadoreyes
      @javierasalgadoreyes 8 месяцев назад +4

      It probably did change his life,it was his first holiday ever

  • @akaki3626
    @akaki3626 2 года назад +5051

    Bobby is so sweet to his mom. He probably wants his mom too on his side to enjoy the trip. I hope both of them can go on a trip together.

    • @Orderflow-sama
      @Orderflow-sama 2 года назад +175

      For real. I know that feeling only too well. Every time I travel I wish me mum was there with me to soak in the moment of visiting a new city/place.

    • @alessarosetan940
      @alessarosetan940 2 года назад +286

      For someone who plays such a masculine sports like rugby, Bobby sure is not afraid to show how much he loves his mom. He makes this trip so wholesome and we love it ❤️

    • @nina.c
      @nina.c 2 года назад +61

      someone sponsor this :")

    • @user-dh9km2jw8s
      @user-dh9km2jw8s 2 года назад +87

      We can see that he genuienly loves and cares his mom so a lot from previous vidoes , this is why i like him

    • @daisea2859
      @daisea2859 2 года назад +141

      He’s so appreciative of everything he gets to experience there too. It just shows how considerate and well mannered he is for thinking about his mum liking the high rise building view. Really shows that he has been brought up well 🙌🙌

  • @callmesahara
    @callmesahara 2 года назад +5502

    Armand and Max are giving me the next Josh & Ollie duo. Their friendship is so beautiful 🥺

    • @Seanph25
      @Seanph25 2 года назад +98

      Fr I hope they keep doing stuff after all this 😭

    • @ninonewshinee
      @ninonewshinee 2 года назад +39


    • @rosslkarin4043
      @rosslkarin4043 2 года назад +15

      SAME! Thier friendship is just 😭❤️love it sm

    • @redamancy119
      @redamancy119 2 года назад

      Ikr my fav duo🥺🪄

    • @russg.7846
      @russg.7846 2 года назад +14

      What's Armand's full name? He's so cute and funny and pretty savage at times

  • @beag5216
    @beag5216 2 года назад +1406

    Max and Armand completely baffling Josh and Ollie with their authenticity is the most adorable thing ever.

  • @Shelsight
    @Shelsight 2 года назад +5251

    Jayden’s personality really shone thru in this one, which was lovely. He’s got such understated comedic timing, and is always really generous in asking Natti and Bobby their opinions. All these lads are a credit to their parents and school. No-one tries to dominate - they just enjoy being part of the group with their friends.

    • @but2000
      @but2000 2 года назад +37


    • @anusuyarijal7734
      @anusuyarijal7734 2 года назад +172

      Lol I am always focused on him. He seems so awkward and relatable so seeing him opening up in this episode made me happy as well

    • @courtneyjones7032
      @courtneyjones7032 2 года назад +24

      Love this comment so much

    • @sincerelysof
      @sincerelysof 2 года назад +62

      Tbh, he had always been the funny one. His witty comments gets me through the day🤣

    • @merlinsmoothbeard
      @merlinsmoothbeard 2 года назад +4

      Does anyone know his ig account? I've alrdy found and followed the IGs of every of the boys here but only Jayden is missing.

  • @judithannmaglalang2246
    @judithannmaglalang2246 2 года назад +3733

    3 of my fave things in the video:
    1. Bobby calling his mom when its 3am in England 💕
    2. Max revealing he's Indian 😲
    3. Armand's scream 🤣

    • @punkressph1
      @punkressph1 2 года назад +66

      Armand's scream is very high pitched

    • @ShanShanLove18
      @ShanShanLove18 2 года назад +224

      The shock that they showed when Max revealed that he's Indian 🤣🤣 priceless.

    • @kpopeonni6236
      @kpopeonni6236 2 года назад +3

      Where max revealed that he’s Indian ?

    • @mintmorion
      @mintmorion 2 года назад +13

      @@kpopeonni6236 9:31

    • @kpopeonni6236
      @kpopeonni6236 2 года назад +2

      @@mintmorion thank you

  • @Kazutoification
    @Kazutoification 2 года назад +13114

    I like how the adults had no idea that Max was Indian, and Armand is like: "yeah, his grandma is Indian."

    • @shakebooty
      @shakebooty 2 года назад +1368

      They are really bffs

    • @steam_jane5580
      @steam_jane5580 2 года назад +836

      their friendship is great

    • @cecilebousselat8192
      @cecilebousselat8192 2 года назад +484

      i need this kind of firendship

    • @rahmawatidewi8047
      @rahmawatidewi8047 2 года назад +1580

      Max is the most un-Indian boy I have ever seen, ginger hair, freckles, and face feature. He is my fav among the boys

    • @nurlailasuhri101
      @nurlailasuhri101 2 года назад +344

      I thouhgt he was joking 🤣

  • @alwaysalice1038
    @alwaysalice1038 2 года назад +2931

    every time i watch this i die laughing at Josh saying "save some room!" and "save your appetite!" to a groupd of HIGH SCHOOL BOYS

    • @Anna-kj3np
      @Anna-kj3np Год назад +150

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen a teenage boy refuse food in my entire life

    • @dingfeldersmurfalot4560
      @dingfeldersmurfalot4560 Год назад +87

      When I was a teenager, I could eat as much as the rest of my family combined, and start nosing around the fridge for more an hour later.

  • @weiyu2111
    @weiyu2111 2 года назад +17658

    the complete shock on everyone’s faces when max says he’s indian is hysterical

    • @marcandreyko4251
      @marcandreyko4251 2 года назад +1513

      so he's Ginge-dian:)

    • @xTenshiAi
      @xTenshiAi 2 года назад +879

      I was not expecting that lol

    • @kruthikodam2109
      @kruthikodam2109 2 года назад +275


    • @vashappeninlainey
      @vashappeninlainey 2 года назад +542

      Including me! I adore him even more now hahaha

    • @anastasia-fr1gn
      @anastasia-fr1gn 2 года назад +699

      Lol I’m rewatching that part now because Josh’s pause and look is hilarious 😂

  • @wooijootheng2607
    @wooijootheng2607 2 года назад +1548

    the best scene is when Armand answers for max that his grandmother is indian!
    Such a cute friendship. you can see that they ARE friends for a very long time!!!

    • @AnhTran-we7ly
      @AnhTran-we7ly 2 года назад +93

      Armand said they are friends for 10 years :)))

    • @la381
      @la381 2 года назад +91

      Yea, because there were multiple people in disbelief, and someone else had to vouch for Max!! Lol. A lot of people thought he was just joking around!

    • @mentol92
      @mentol92 2 года назад +15

      In the next ep Max and Armand friendship is even CUTER! 🤣

  • @roserossm9027
    @roserossm9027 2 года назад +3410

    Max being proud of his ancestors and saying it with all his chest “cause I’m Indian” tho he might not look like one and one would have never expected it from him is a revelation with pride that we all need. Also, Josh’s face at 9:37 is EVERYTHING!🤣

    • @nericenicolette1177
      @nericenicolette1177 2 года назад +185

      Josh face was 👁️👄👁️ "wha-"

    • @cthegeek
      @cthegeek 2 года назад +261

      Isn’t Josh part Chinese? I found it funny that he was so surprised about Max but Josh also doesn’t look part Chinese at all. When I saw an episode with his parents I was just as confused haha

    • @juliem2534
      @juliem2534 2 года назад +55

      @@cthegeek i didn’t know he’s chinese til now 😂

    • @revinaque1342
      @revinaque1342 2 года назад +111

      @@cthegeek Chinese or Burmese, one of the two. Josh looks more like his English mum, while his brother looks more like their dad. I think Josh's brother got all of the Asian genes 😅

    • @Infinitelyinspirit7
      @Infinitelyinspirit7 2 года назад +32

      @@cthegeek yeah he's 1/4 chinese

  • @Nunu-io2yr
    @Nunu-io2yr 2 года назад +1611

    Literally no one
    Max: *"I'm Indian"*
    Armand: *"I'm french"*
    Well, I didn't expect that lmaooo these 2 are hilarious!! 🤣❤

    • @nurlindafsihotang49
      @nurlindafsihotang49 2 года назад +85

      No wonder their tounge really sensitive for indentifying food ingredients.

    • @johnsmithee6660
      @johnsmithee6660 Год назад +90

      Josh: *"and I'm Chinese"*

    • @lafatte24
      @lafatte24 11 месяцев назад +5

      Armand's is expected cus of his name haha.

    • @hrts4biil
      @hrts4biil 10 месяцев назад +19

      @@lafatte24if you listen to him, he randomly sounds extremely friench. both his parents are french

    • @hchiu9
      @hchiu9 8 месяцев назад

      When he went on his rant about powdered cheese in the introducing fried chicken episode, you could really hear it. ​@@hrts4biil

  • @ReBorn0704
    @ReBorn0704 2 года назад +870

    Bobby is so sweet... As a mother, I would freak out if my son calls me at 3 am but is immediately touched because he thinks of me and wants to share his joy even though he is with his friends.

  • @erit3662
    @erit3662 2 года назад +1860

    Love watching Jayden come out of his shell on camera the last few videos. He clearly has a funny personality, but always seems to keep it more to himself. Literal life of the party!

    • @brittonhagood9610
      @brittonhagood9610 2 года назад +88

      Exactly what I was thinking. It was so funny to watch him take one last big bite each time.

    • @kazzledazzle330
      @kazzledazzle330 2 года назад +2


    • @dthompson1313
      @dthompson1313 2 года назад


    • @MsPetelynn
      @MsPetelynn 2 года назад +10

      He has such a warm smile and clearly lights up when he’s enjoying good food! It’s lovely to watch.

  • @kjs5668
    @kjs5668 2 года назад +5350

    여행하며 좋은 것들을 엄마와 공유하고 싶어서 새벽 3시인데도 엄마와 통화하고 보여주려는 바비의 순수한 마음이 너무 이쁘네요. 참 착한 아이네요.

    • @annetteheejang3288
      @annetteheejang3288 2 года назад +323

      저도 이 생각했어요 보비는 참 맑고 순수한 아이인거 같아요:)

    • @밤_밤
      @밤_밤 2 года назад +139

      보비 참 이뻐요

    • @luna05moon
      @luna05moon 2 года назад +89

      그러게요. ^^ 저두 보비의 마음이 너무 이쁘고 귀여운지~ 감동받았습니다.👍🤗

    • @urani4590
      @urani4590 2 года назад +74

      보비 너무 사랑스럽다~♡

    • @qrpty
      @qrpty 2 года назад +104

      보비 첫화때부터 조쉬에게 고맙다며 포옹했죠 너무 귀엽고 순수해요 ㅎㅎ

  • @꿀빵이-v4h
    @꿀빵이-v4h 2 года назад +1053

    저렇게 친구들 여러명이랑 해외여행가는게 진짜 쉽지 않은데 얼마나 재밌을까 ㅜ 저 나이에 정말 잊지못할 추억을 만들고 있는게 넘 부럽다 ㅜ

    • @alallalalallallal
      @alallalalallallal Год назад +67

      교장쌤이 꽉 막힌 사람이 아닌게 부럽다 ㅜ

    • @robertdepesci3418
      @robertdepesci3418 Год назад +5

      @@alallalalallallal ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @LuckyGuy-g4h
      @LuckyGuy-g4h Год назад +10

      @@alallalalallallal한국이였으면 영상도 못 찍음 ㅋㅋ

    • @크아아-p6g
      @크아아-p6g Год назад +4


    • @크아아-p6g
      @크아아-p6g Год назад +21

      교장쌤이 조쉬님 친구라 가능한영상 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @suan333
    @suan333 2 года назад +998

    I said before, Max has such an Ollie vibe. The way he just throw there "I'm indian" leaving all of them speechless 🤣🤣🤣

    • @sarahstar3038
      @sarahstar3038 2 года назад +82

      yeah I was laughing so much at their faces.

    • @rainbowgirl949494
      @rainbowgirl949494 2 года назад +145

      & they thought he was joking while armand was dying on the side almost falling off the chair😂😂

    • @user-ir7os6wh1w
      @user-ir7os6wh1w 2 года назад +93

      He said it so casually like it was nothing lmao

    • @simimi4066
      @simimi4066 2 года назад +25

      @@user-ir7os6wh1w right 😂😂😂😂😂😂 it was soooo random

    • @jessicapierce3027
      @jessicapierce3027 2 года назад +132

      I'm still trying to figure out if he genuinely likes architecture and then he throws us this curve ball.

  • @christieng8476
    @christieng8476 2 года назад +845

    I know this series is mainly for the kids, but I think the headmaster needs recognition as well (Dave, right?). He also got his dream to come to Korea, and whenever he shows on camera, the pure joy on his face cannot be contained. Cheers to him as well!

    • @nightparalysiscatdemon
      @nightparalysiscatdemon 2 года назад +72

      He's such a cool headmaster

    • @adel-kha
      @adel-kha 2 года назад +16


    • @mc3230
      @mc3230 2 года назад +6

      Best headmaster

    • @michhyu
      @michhyu 2 года назад +9

      Him and Josh have been mates from school too I’m pretty sure, which makes it that extra bit special :)

  • @88meloche88
    @88meloche88 2 года назад +1566

    I feel like the boys are getting more and more comfortable in front of the camera, they're so adorable. How come I never realized how funny Jayden is? And oh, I'm so glad the videos are getting longer!!!

    • @aquariusfairy9984
      @aquariusfairy9984 2 года назад +29

      I know right!?! I wish the videos are bit longer

    • @pearljj82
      @pearljj82 2 года назад +61

      For real Jayden has a calm comedian in him lol pack full of calm comedy, with a punch lol 🤣

    • @thatgirl9532
      @thatgirl9532 2 года назад +33

      Yeah Jayden is underrated i think it’s cause the others talk more and Jayden is a bit more reserved around others

    • @kizzy7562
      @kizzy7562 2 года назад +6

      Yes I've noticed this too. So great to see him vocalizing now

  • @megan_1
    @megan_1 2 года назад +982

    My favourite parts of the video:
    1. Bobby: I'm not a big fan of avocado
    Jayden: But you crave cabbage?
    Bobby: Yeah 😂
    2. Armand's eyes rolling into the back of his head when trying the Bulgogi toast
    3. Josh's reaction to Max revealing that he's Indian

  • @NoName-uy8fv
    @NoName-uy8fv 2 года назад +704

    I just can’t explain how much I love max, he’s such a cute little ball of sunshine and his friendship dynamic with Armand is just so damn adorable, I need a friends like them frfr

    • @avcbisu
      @avcbisu 2 года назад +64

      And of course Armand knew it was his grandmother that's Indian! Love their friendship

    • @ronaleelopiga2927
      @ronaleelopiga2927 2 года назад +50

      @@avcbisu You can tell how long they've been friends when they know each other's families XD

    • @asnoopy
      @asnoopy 2 года назад +6

      Except he is taller than he seems

    • @Portiayuu
      @Portiayuu 2 года назад +1

      @@asnoopy fr lol, he looked so small in their first appearance in this channel because they're only seating so when I first saw him stand in other videos I was surprised to see that he was actually tall lol.

    • @merimaria08
      @merimaria08 2 года назад +6

      @@Portiayuu that's because he grew, it was mentioned in a past video

  • @katielee517
    @katielee517 2 года назад +514

    Bobby calling his mom on top of the Seoul Sky building is such an underrated moment in this video 🥹🫶🏼

  • @spects2263
    @spects2263 2 года назад +2707

    Bobby is such a darling in this series. And Max just nonchalantly saying he's mixed. I love that. The boys are absolutely lovely. I hope they have extreme fun along the journey. Looking at the series, it seems like they are, and I absolutely love that.

  • @netizensarrest4241
    @netizensarrest4241 2 года назад +430

    That awkward silent moment when they were walking broken by Armand asking “ but why’d you not tell me guys” is genius comedic editing. I laughed so hard. 😂

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. 2 года назад +3122

    Ollie: “Just imagine if it had cabbage.”
    Jayden: “He’d be crying.”
    Love the banter 😂

    • @SayYoJ
      @SayYoJ Год назад +6

      I SCREAMED 😂😂😂😂

  • @lilqueso11
    @lilqueso11 2 года назад +926

    Armand and Max have such strong main character energy. They're like a duo you'd expect in an amine. That being said all of the boys in the group are fantastic

    • @thatgirl9532
      @thatgirl9532 2 года назад +41

      Just like Ollie said they are like a boy band except Armand is the lead singer and the other boys are like “nope” 😂
      Maybe Max is the back up vocals or like the lead guitarist 😂

    • @earlgrey3042
      @earlgrey3042 2 года назад +12

      OHSHC vibes 999%

    • @TwoTwoFourSix
      @TwoTwoFourSix 2 года назад

      @@thatgirl9532 jesus christ, way to make the rest of the boys feel like their life and character means less, do you think they don't read these things? stop objectifying their lives like that to fit your own narrative

    • @suhani551
      @suhani551 2 года назад +3

      Ouran High school host club vibes!

  • @k___7500
    @k___7500 2 года назад +2475

    풀햄고를 만난 영국남자가 정말 부러울 정도다 아이들과 소통할 줄 아는 멋진 교장선생님, 뭐든 다 잘하고 센스있는 학생회장 아르망, 낯선 문화를 진심으로 접할 줄 아는 친구들. 이런 유쾌하고 매력있는 학생들과 함께 촬영할 수 있다는 것만으로도 참 서로에게 좋은 영향을 미칠 것 같다 무엇보다 그 추억 속에 한국 문화가 있다는게 너무 좋다

    • @류제홍장모님
      @류제홍장모님 2 года назад +1


    • @dingchavez1960
      @dingchavez1960 2 года назад +3

      @@류제홍장모님 Principal 이라고 했던거 같아요. 교장.

    • @류제홍장모님
      @류제홍장모님 2 года назад

      @@dingchavez1960 그렇군여! 교감선생님이란 자막을 봤다고 생각했는데 자막을 잘못봤었나봐요

    • @xianzhhh
      @xianzhhh 2 года назад +36

      네 교장맞아요 ㅋ조쉬랑 친구 ㅋ 오래된친구같더라고요 ㅋ 교장인데 자기는 아이들 가르치는게 좋아서 아직도 수업을 한다고 하더라고요~ 본인이 젊은데 교장이 되었는데 운도 좋았던거같다고 ㅋ 실제로 폴햄고
      아이들과 친근하게 지내고 농담주고 받는게
      너무 좋아보이더라구요 우리나라는 교장선생님이라
      하면 나이많고 뭔가 어려운 대상이잖아요~~
      그리고 아르망이 교장선생님을 부르는호칭도
      친근하니(영국에서는 그렇게 부르는게 당연할지라도)

    • @SungWoohimself
      @SungWoohimself 2 года назад +2

      음 말씀 중에 죄송하지만 풀햄이 아니라 풀럼입니다 😊

  • @annnishere
    @annnishere 2 года назад +182

    Max: "I'm Indian"
    Josh, with Chinese blood but looks nothing Chinese: "sorry, wHAT!?"

    • @binniee9326
      @binniee9326 7 дней назад

      This is how I found out Josh has chinese blood

  • @lovelyYN
    @lovelyYN 2 года назад +950

    Max chose the sandwich with the garlic bread as his favorite after Armand talked about being French and loving garlic bread. And Armand chose the bulgogi sandwich as his favorite after Max talked about the favors being similar to Indian dishes he had at home. They probably had food at each other’s houses regularly and developed a preference for them. Such an endearing friendship :)

    • @MinorKey135
      @MinorKey135 2 года назад +12

      That’s love 😊

    • @kieran4155
      @kieran4155 2 года назад +50

      They've been friends for 10 years, pure brothership

  • @leannd9072
    @leannd9072 2 года назад +1094

    Bobby calling home to his Mama to share the wonders of Korea is so sweet (even if it was 3am) haha. I want a a bring Bobby's Mom to Korea campaign started. 😭

    • @la381
      @la381 2 года назад +18


  • @mandy32396
    @mandy32396 2 года назад +393

    i have to say... josh running excitedly towards ollie to point out the sunset is so sweet haha love their friendship T^T

  • @siiiiiuu7
    @siiiiiuu7 2 года назад +260

    Honestly, this is the underrated trio for me. They just seem like genuine and wholesome young men. Great vibes

  • @awkwarddino
    @awkwarddino 2 года назад +702

    I appreciate showing more snippets of their trip and not making this whole episode just about EggDrop. I know the food videos get more views so I get that, but I really appreciate the little snippets of “this is where we took them and how they reacted” instead of ONLY food videos. Thank you so much, keep them coming!!!

    • @suhi6504
      @suhi6504 2 года назад +10

      I really wanted to see which places they visited

    • @Crystalbomb321
      @Crystalbomb321 2 года назад +2

      They prob mostly took them to Korea for views and sponsorships.

    • @rtsalsa2058
      @rtsalsa2058 2 года назад +3

      I really disagree, I'm here for the food

  • @tninotmaru
    @tninotmaru 2 года назад +2783

    Jayden is so funny xD a chill kid, very quiet, but when he adds his comments here and there they are always gold

    • @catbeara
      @catbeara Год назад +54

      "but you crave cabbage?" had me choking 😂

    • @msallylaw
      @msallylaw Год назад +20

      I love that kid. He is great.

  • @catherinelw9365
    @catherinelw9365 2 года назад +203

    My Korean Mom was born before WWII, and she saw the destruction of her country during WWII and the Korean War. She married my Dad (American serviceman) and moved to the US shortly after the Korean War ended. She went back to visit Korea with my Dad for the first time in the 1980's and was shocked to see how built up Seoul was. She never dreamed her country would recover so well after being ravaged by two wars.

  • @natty1138
    @natty1138 2 года назад +460

    Glad to see Jayden getting more of the spotlight in this episode. I love his reaction a lot

    • @MKelly-py9ys
      @MKelly-py9ys 2 года назад +16

      Jayden, the silent food killer! 😂 LOL. 😉👍✌️

  • @andreeab82
    @andreeab82 2 года назад +765

    Glad to see more of Jayden’s personality come out this episode, he’s really funny!

    • @EXOglobe
      @EXOglobe 2 года назад +12

      I was wondering about that too. For the longest he seemed expressionless and didn’t seem like he was connecting with the culture or enjoyed it. Seems that he’s warming up to the culture and food.

    • @kmw91400
      @kmw91400 2 года назад +8

      He is one of my favorites atm. I hope he gets to really shine through on this trip. He already has the personality for it.

  • @toshkam.1229
    @toshkam.1229 2 года назад +147

    Wow Bobby’s mom must have done a really good job raising him. He has always been respectful, appreciative, and a true gentleman. Even from the previous videos, he always mentioned his mom as if she want to share his happiness to her. This is the true masculine energy. So happy for him!

  • @dougwhitehead3938
    @dougwhitehead3938 2 года назад +308

    This needs to be a Netflix series forever as they grow up. Love it.

  • @mydongpandong9644
    @mydongpandong9644 2 года назад +587

    Love Max. He didn’t say “I’m part Indian.” He said “I’m Indian.” Embracing his ethnicity 1000%!

    • @paulsoldner9500
      @paulsoldner9500 2 года назад +10

      But he is part Indian. Which means he's not embracing his ethnicity. He's choosing one side of it and disrespecting the other.

    • @Hern78
      @Hern78 2 года назад +118

      @@paulsoldner9500 that's not how that works

    • @paulsoldner9500
      @paulsoldner9500 2 года назад +7

      @@Hern78 How so? He, by is own admission, is 1/4th Indian (only one Grandmother). That means the rest is not Indian. That means by identifying as only 1/4th of your heritage is disrespecting this rest of it.

    • @drishtisuresh6880
      @drishtisuresh6880 2 года назад +72

      @@paulsoldner9500 at that moment it was only necessary to point out 'that' part of him. Don't u think everyone thought he's 100% English till then?? No one would've guessed he had an Indian descent. No Way it's disrespecting the other 3/4 side.

    • @cinnamonroll199
      @cinnamonroll199 2 года назад +15

      @@paulsoldner9500 You're joking right?

  • @joeys-mama
    @joeys-mama 2 года назад +247

    Bobby calling his mum so she can experience the moment with him made my mom heart so happy. He is such a wonderful son.

  • @tenzindasel4610
    @tenzindasel4610 2 года назад +808

    Never disappointed with the British High Schoolers series, absolutely loved watching the boys make the most of the experience, food and culture! kinda have a soft spot for Bobby, such a thoughtful kid!

  • @Momoko4ever1
    @Momoko4ever1 2 года назад +214

    I love how Armand is so into everything, and him using Korean so easily and at every possible moment is so meaningful

  • @weyxiang
    @weyxiang 2 года назад +672

    I enjoyed this episode's format much more than the previous ones. A mix of some off camera footage, activities so it's not just food tasting, more jokes and having Mr Smith join in makes it so much better!

    • @daisea2859
      @daisea2859 2 года назад +42

      Yeah behind the scenes is so much more realistic and not to mention but rather as equally entertaining too seeing their off camera friendship is so sweet!

    • @interguys
      @interguys 2 года назад +5

      I love em all

  • @labonimredha3466
    @labonimredha3466 2 года назад +450

    Omggg this episode is SO MUCH better with all the behind the scenes footage, i honestly enjoy it as much as the actual video itself or even more!
    Idk, it’s like i have a personal connection with the boys at this point so it’s interesting to see how they are in their natural state off-camera

  • @GemCandy
    @GemCandy 2 года назад +160

    Josh's face when Max said he's Indian is a GREAT reaction image XD

  • @CaroHF
    @CaroHF 2 года назад +313

    Please, Mr. Smith needs to have his own segment everytime. He's a really cool and fun teacher.

  • @justchanelx2855
    @justchanelx2855 2 года назад +1118

    I’ve always resonated and thought max was hysterical and so pure! Now I realise we have more on common than I thought.. I am also a white,red haired person with Bengali/Indian roots and everyone gets so surprised at my heritage too😂 I love this channel keep it up lads!💪🏻

    • @zexfriend
      @zexfriend 2 года назад +21

      oohhh yes same I like him he's kinda my spirit animal, his mouth is like mine, either hes telling random funny things or it is full with food ahahah

    • @disharixex
      @disharixex 2 года назад +15

      And here I'm a Bengali Indian replaying Max's part to get my head around this new fact

    • @leventdhiver
      @leventdhiver 2 года назад +32

      Sweet Mas had to confirm what he said, everyone but Armand though he was joking. They are good friends, they know each other's families and I suppose Indian Grandma likes Armand because he is a good friends to her precious Max.

    • @LeftOfToday
      @LeftOfToday 2 года назад +22

      I love how Armand chimed in with "Ya, even his grandma is Indian." Yes, Armand, that's how it works! XD I love those two!

    • @user-bn8tk4md6b
      @user-bn8tk4md6b 2 года назад +7

      @@LeftOfToday i think he was just explaining where the Indian blood comes from because Mr Smith asked from who

  • @marthaarandela1015
    @marthaarandela1015 2 года назад +138

    Bobby ringing his mother is so cute, I hope they can have a holiday trip together with his family. The second thing that I noticed was Mr. Smith, I'm glad that he get more screen time.

  • @arielmadsome8956
    @arielmadsome8956 2 года назад +658

    I love everyone. I love seeing Armand and Max's friendship. Bobby's care for his mum and wanting to share everything with her. Harvey's appetite! And everyone else! You guys made me happy. Thank you Ollie and Josh.

    • @sarahbeth124
      @sarahbeth124 2 года назад +26

      Bobby calling home was so cute, loved seeing these guys enjoying the trip so far

    • @ourdays1840
      @ourdays1840 2 года назад +7

      bobby is just so precious ohmygod can i take him home lol

    • @lilylili7453
      @lilylili7453 2 года назад +2

      Harvey is my favorite!I love his appetite and his good looking and humor !

  • @daniellyhuit
    @daniellyhuit 2 года назад +325

    Just started the series and I honestly keep watching because of Bobby. Like I want to cry every time he tries something or just any of his reactions are so genuine and sweet. 🥺🥺🥺 When he says it’s his first time it’s makes me want to cry. His happiness is just so beautiful 🫶🏼🥹 keep that same spirit always Bobby! Can’t wait to see what great things you do in life.

  • @nymeria0115
    @nymeria0115 2 года назад +612

    Max "the Architecture guy", Bobby "the wholesome guy" and the teacher are always the scene stealer for me. Bobby wanting to call his mum is just too cute for me, and everyone calling Max when it comes to the architecture is really funny. And oh, Armand knowing Max's Indian ancestry just proves how close they are 0:-)

    • @xiaoxie9702
      @xiaoxie9702 2 года назад

      I think he doesnt have an indian blood, just a joke i guess.

    • @funny5506
      @funny5506 2 года назад +24

      @@xiaoxie9702 well watch again. They said he is Indian from his mom side. Maybe his grandparents

    • @Mikasaxx0
      @Mikasaxx0 2 года назад +39

      @@xiaoxie9702 You didn't watch the full video? They answered to Mr Smith it's true & that it's mom side then Armand stated Max granny is Indian.
      There are lot of Indian & English children in London. In England Indians are the one that comes to their mind first when they hear Asian.

    • @Mikasaxx0
      @Mikasaxx0 2 года назад +10

      @@funny5506 Yeah Arnand said his Granny.

    • @poudb
      @poudb 2 года назад

      @@Mikasaxx0 time stamp?

  • @lightdp
    @lightdp 2 года назад +202

    I'm impressed by how informal but respectful relationship between students and their headmaster.

  • @Banyo__
    @Banyo__ 2 года назад +417

    For kids around the world like Bobby, for which many things are a first, it's showing the incredible things that are out there beyond your doorstep. Trips like this open your eyes to new foods, cultures, people, traveling. I really hope that sticks with him and he's able to go out into the world later and experience more of it in general. Love that he called his mom at 3am.

    • @lemonrinds8296
      @lemonrinds8296 2 года назад +24

      Bobby's enthusiasm has put a smile on my face since the first videos!

    • @Raidanzoup
      @Raidanzoup 2 года назад +18

      Bobby's a real highlight in this series for sure.

    • @bereasonable8018
      @bereasonable8018 2 года назад +19

      I have no doubt Bobby will remain open minded to trying new experiences. And as a mom, I absolutely love that he wanted to keep in contact with his mom to show his love and desire to share with her

  • @fledglingcrafter
    @fledglingcrafter 2 года назад +172

    I hope we can give Bobby more good life experiences. He is such a sweet kid.

  • @krizziaperilla4735
    @krizziaperilla4735 2 года назад +511

    As much as I enjoy seeing the high schoolers and especially their friendship, I can’t help but melt when I saw how Josh ran to Ollie and told him about how great the sky looked like, like an excited child. I freakin’ love Josh and Ollie’s friendship so much.
    Also I could definitely see them in Armand and Max. They should get those two in Jolly just to see how chaotic it can be. 😂

    • @AP-jz1eh
      @AP-jz1eh 2 года назад +6

      saaame that was sooo cute

    • @swi_chi
      @swi_chi 2 года назад +3

      Hahaha same! Totally convinced Armand & Max are like Josh & Ollie version 2

    • @Ulsan_81
      @Ulsan_81 2 года назад

      한국에와서 서양음식만 먹는군

  • @hobimonieforlife3204
    @hobimonieforlife3204 2 года назад +166

    Josh running to Ollie just to ask if he sees the sky .. is adorable 💜
    and i would like to thank you guys again for giving these kids an extra ordinary experience that i know they will always remember and get inspiration from .. it's a good source of energy they will need to face the real world 💜💜💜

  • @ivyinabottle
    @ivyinabottle 2 года назад +470

    I love how much Bobby appreciates and loves his mum!! Him calling her just to share the experience with her is so sweet… he’s so precious!!

    • @daisea2859
      @daisea2859 2 года назад +26

      He’s so appreciative of everything he gets to experience there too. It just shows how considerate and well mannered he is for thinking about his mum liking the high rise building view. Really shows that he has been brought up well 🙌🙌

    • @yangzhang5870
      @yangzhang5870 2 года назад +11

      even though it's 3am 🤣 my mom would be like "thanks for calling but _smack_ *unless* _smack_ *you're* _smack_ *dying* _smack smack_ you better not call me at 3am again."

    • @alessarosetan940
      @alessarosetan940 2 года назад +4

      It makes you forget how much of a big lad he is because he’s such a sweet boy. 💕

    • @릴케-r3y
      @릴케-r3y 2 года назад

      영국가면 보비 꼭 보고 싶네요~~ 엄마를 사랑하는 마음이 한국 효자보는것 같네요~~
      교장선생님께서도 넘 조아요~~

  • @소소한행복-j9e
    @소소한행복-j9e 2 года назад +46

    맥스 어쩜 저리 착하고 유머스러운지~~
    엄마 미소 짓게하네요.

  • @u1dechoi
    @u1dechoi 2 года назад +764

    Bobby는 기본적으로 사람들을 되게 사랑스럽게 본다 눈에 그냥 하트가 장착돼있네 ㅋㅋㅋ 그러니 Bobby를 보는 우리도 기분이 좋음

    • @AP-jz1eh
      @AP-jz1eh 2 года назад +39

      he seems to care a lot about his mom too, i think he grew up with lots of love🥰

    • @콩이언니-u9x
      @콩이언니-u9x 2 года назад +26

      보비 넘 귀여워 ^^

    • @pipipipipipi3859
      @pipipipipipi3859 2 года назад +4

      아쉬운점은 seoul sky는 night이 짱이구 낮보다 불빛이 반짝거리는 모습이 환상적인거라는데 그 서울에 야경을 못본게 되게 되게 아쉬워요 흠

  • @ryuzzzy
    @ryuzzzy 2 года назад +2960

    그냥 고등학생 특집 때는 레이랑 아르망 보느라 몰랐는데 한국 체험에선 보비가 매력 개개개ㅐ개쩔음 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    • @user-li5cq6xz4d
      @user-li5cq6xz4d 2 года назад +6

      보비가 누구엿죠?? ㅠㅠ

    • @도랏-k2t
      @도랏-k2t 2 года назад +116

      님도? 보비 먼가 퓨어함

    • @wlzb4653
      @wlzb4653 2 года назад +182

      @@user-li5cq6xz4d 오프닝때 새벽 3시에 엄마께 전화 걸었던 귀여운친구용

    • @waterdrop21
      @waterdrop21 2 года назад +112

      보비가 맛있는 거 먹고 눈 감으면서 감탄할 때 너무 좋음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @cheeselove1568
      @cheeselove1568 2 года назад +63

      맞아요^^보비 귀여워ㅎㅎ

  • @sheetalgolayy
    @sheetalgolayy 2 года назад +89

    9:35 When Max said he eats a lot of Indian Food at home & also when he said I’m Indian😂 lol every Indian fans Heart is happy😂❤️❤️❤️

  • @kitskivich
    @kitskivich 2 года назад +131

    I love the boys and Ollie's/Josh's dynamic with them. Can you being a teenage boy on a trip that involves eating as much incredible food as you can?

  • @misslolly7629
    @misslolly7629 2 года назад +305

    As much as I'd loved to watch all their activities, I really respect and agree with the KoreanEnglishman team's decision to not filming them in every occasions. I just want them to have a great time, and so thankful for every videos that we are allowed to watch. Thank you guys 🧡🧡🧡

    • @sitihadijah8401
      @sitihadijah8401 2 года назад +26

      💯 % agree. Give them some privacy and room to breath as well right? The were just ordinary boys after all, not an actor’s

  • @carito5108
    @carito5108 2 года назад +180

    The fact that Bobby hadn’t been out of the country and then tries to call his mom to show her the view of Seoul just melts my heart 🫠 I’m watching him the closest this series.

    • @swi_chi
      @swi_chi 2 года назад +6

      We cna tell he's a good son. ☺️ Not forgetting his mom in great things happening to him.

  • @krissy9128
    @krissy9128 2 года назад +191

    Bobby is so adorable! Such a wholesome moment trying to call his mum at 3am to share his experience with her. Too precious man 🤗

  • @Prayersubmit
    @Prayersubmit 2 года назад +46

    제이든 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 귀엽네 ㅋㅋㅋ 잘먹고 필요할때 한마디씩 날려주는게 또 그렇게 웃김

  • @wook4052
    @wook4052 2 года назад +405

    개인적으로 영국학생형들 나올 때마다 왜 재밌을까 생각해봤더니 무엇보다 표현력인거 같아요 그냥 맛있다, 없다, 좋다, 나쁘다가 아니라 자신만의 단어를 찾아서 표현하는 모습이 인상적입니다

    • @britemiso
      @britemiso 2 года назад +12

      생각할 줄 아는 동생이네요.... 본인도 자신의 생각을 말로 조리있게 표현할 줄 아는 사람되시길... 그러려면, 책 많이 읽어보세요.
      저쪽 문화는 집안에서 부모님이 무엇이든 생각한데로 말하게 하는 문화이지만,,, 우리는...

  • @이혜영-d3g8d
    @이혜영-d3g8d 2 года назад +1071

    소녀들은 낙엽만 굴러가도 까르르 웃는다는 한국말이 있는데
    영국소년들도 까르르 웃는게 넘 귀엽고 매력있어요
    잘웃고 즐기는 모습이 넘 좋아요

    • @brajiu_br
      @brajiu_br 2 года назад +1


  • @demirasyarifia3227
    @demirasyarifia3227 2 года назад +380

    Bobby: Called his mother when it was 3am in England ㅋㅋㅋ
    Jayden: Looks like he's really hungry ㅋㅋㅋ
    Max: Everyone was shocked even Mr. Smith, that he was of Indian descent.
    Armand: He's the only one wearing a black t-shirt. It's like he doesn't read group messages ㅋㅋㅋ
    And the first time out of all the episodes, he proudly says "I'm French" which is why he loves garlic bread.
    Mr. Smith at the end of the video is so hilarious 😂
    And while in Korea they re-watch their early videos together, that's cute!

    • @demantoid
      @demantoid 2 года назад +17

      the indian one thoo hahahaha

    • @sitihadijah8401
      @sitihadijah8401 2 года назад +17

      And josh rush running towards Ollie to tell him about the sunset 🤍

  • @술먹사
    @술먹사 2 года назад +46

    애들이 먹는 걸 볼 때마다 진짜 행복해요!🥰
    우울증때문에 거식이랑 폭식을 둘다 경험하고 있는데 영국남자의 애들이 먹는 영상을 볼 때마다 나도 꼭 이렇게 만족스러운 식사를 하고 싶다.라는 생각을 해봅니다.
    고맙습니다! 완치는 아니더라도 꼭 치료받아서 아이들이 먹었던 걸 저도 똑같이 먹어볼게요!

    • @cottontailkim7499
      @cottontailkim7499 2 года назад +6

      응원합니다 ! 꼭 좋아지실거예요 ~~

    • @chronicallynerdy4074
      @chronicallynerdy4074 Год назад +6

      I hope this comment can be translated for you, because I also use this channel to help me eat well. I have also been introduced to many Korean foods through this channel. I love kimchi, seaweed, and tteokbokki! I also make my own tteokbokki sauce with Korean red pepper powder. I hope you are doing well now and into the future. 💕

  • @domienikki
    @domienikki 2 года назад +402

    Bobby thinking of ringing his mum to share his experience is so pure. The excitement he has, he just love everything too 😅
    I love cabbage, i love cheese... 🤣

  • @mochimimi8686
    @mochimimi8686 2 года назад +113

    Bobby excitedly calling his mum at 3 in the morning to tell her that he’s in the tallest building in Korea is the absolute sweetest thing :’) I truly can’t get enough of the high schoolers on this trip but I definitely understand and respect the desire to not have them on camera 24/7; after all, them freely enjoying this once-in-a-lifetime experience is what’s most important. Thanks again to everyone who made this series possible and I can’t wait to see them in Jeju next week!

  • @gogoyo3256
    @gogoyo3256 2 года назад +313

    bobby is the most wholesome person, can't get over him calling his mum at 3 hope he stays like that forever

  • @iloveasmr7491
    @iloveasmr7491 Год назад +30

    I love how Jayden's saying "keep chatting if you want to, I've got toast to eat!" without saying a word! Good man! 😊😊

  • @daodina31809
    @daodina31809 2 года назад +423

    Bobby is such a gentle and sweet soul. Thinking about his mother when they saw the view in seoul sky is heartwarming. Wishing you and your family could get to experience that, together, someday. Enjoy, guys!!! Love this raw episode. 💚🫰🏻

  • @trayc7602
    @trayc7602 2 года назад +256

    Wow, It's cool that Max is Indian. We got to see Ollie & it was adorable that Bobby was trying to call his mom at 3am. It might've worried her but still cute lol Also, Armand & Bobby saying how they would like certain sandwiches paired, reminded me of when Ollie & Josh recreated them back in England.

  • @heddadybvadskog-nebb5603
    @heddadybvadskog-nebb5603 2 года назад +275

    I just want every single good thing in the world to happen to Bobby. I hope he gets to take his mum everywhere they could ever possibly dream of going. I hope his education works out, that he gets a good job and a family as nice as he is. Cause he truly deserves the world

    • @Nur-bu9zo
      @Nur-bu9zo 2 года назад +5

      Exactly ❤️

    • @la381
      @la381 2 года назад +4

      Curious, why are you so focused on Bobby, though? Lol

    • @Jelly-sk2ry
      @Jelly-sk2ry 2 года назад

      @@la381 why not?

    • @Tiamxsu
      @Tiamxsu 2 года назад +2

      @@la381 cus he slays

    • @la381
      @la381 2 года назад

      @@Jelly-sk2ry you're creepy

  • @팡팡-u3k
    @팡팡-u3k 2 года назад +29

    영국남자 영국고딩들 반응 보다가 구독까지하고 한국수학여행 시리즈 너무 재밌게 보고있어요 아직도 계속 보는중~~~처음엔 아르망때문에 보기 시작했는데 보비랑 하비, 나티 어쩜 이리 마음이 예쁘고 고운 말만 하는지..계속 보게되네요~영국 고딩들 대딩되서 한국 재방문해가지고 치맥 즐기는 모습들 다시 보고싶네용~~~~~영국남자팀 고생 많으셨겠어요 대단해요!

    • @셩미리
      @셩미리 2 года назад

      이거 쌉 ㅇㅈ

  • @민화-숙
    @민화-숙 2 года назад +371

    보비의 순수하고 착한 마음은
    언제봐도 가슴이 뭉클해요.
    꼬옥 엄마랑 함께 다시오길
    보비 홧팅, 최~고

  • @lovebtsforever648
    @lovebtsforever648 2 года назад +357

    아르망 맥스 조합 보며 유난히 더 엄마미소 지었는데, 수학여행 시리즈보며 보비 팬됐어요. 진짜 순수하고 착하고 맑은 아이같아서 보는것만으로도 행복해지네요
    보비엄마는 좋겠어요~~ 너무 착하고 이쁜 아들이에요.

    • @jamiekim9322
      @jamiekim9322 2 года назад +10

      맞아요. 참 순수함이 내내 넘치네요~~

  • @dvludvlu4329
    @dvludvlu4329 2 года назад +754

    교장선생님과 아이들 간의 의사소통을 보니 좋은 어른이신 게 느껴지네요. 그리고 롯데타워에서 어머니와 영상통화로 좋은 걸 공유하려는 보비군...오늘 영상에서 가장 좋았던 부분입니다. 순수하고 다정한 마음이 느껴져서 감동이었어요

    • @jaynenyc1954
      @jaynenyc1954 2 года назад +12

      저도 어릴때 영국 중학교 고등학교 다녔는데 원래 배우는 수업시간만 제외하면 언제나 선생님이랑 편한 관계에요. 중학교 기억엔 생물? 여자 선생님이 본인 첫 성관계 후기 얘기를 리얼하게 자꾸 해줬던 기억도 나네요. 그땐 뭔지도 모르고 왜 자꾸 저리 강조하며 말하나 이해가 안 갈 정도로 - 대신 잔소리처럼 듣다보니 준비성이 생겼달까.. 무조건 콘돔 챙겨야 한다는-, 그 다음 해엔 에이즈, 임신, 담배, 성병에 대해 적나란 출산 비디오도 보여주고 담배 니코틴 테스트도 했던 기억이 나네요.구석에서 다른 친구는 테스트하던 담배 한모금 빨고 있고 ㅋㅋ 다 같이 캠프 가면 선생님들, 교감들이랑 학생인 우리도 같이 껴서 게임하고, 지면 서로 화내고 놀리고 하던 기억 나네요. 아마 한국,일본,중국만 유교 영향으로 선생님이나 어른에 대해 조심하는 문화가 있지 않을까요.. 영국 미국 프랑스는 제가 겪어본 봐로는 전혀 다름.. 그냥 수평 관계임

  • @obrien6320
    @obrien6320 2 года назад +103

    You could watch Max and Armand all day, great duo.

  • @justoliver7829
    @justoliver7829 2 года назад +299

    I feel like Max and Armand are absolute besties, backing each other up all the time, I'm loving it

    • @khalduras784
      @khalduras784 2 года назад +9

      Well they did say they've known each since they were little or something

    • @millie_b
      @millie_b 2 года назад +12

      I believe they've mentioned in one of the episodes that they've been friends for 10 yrs already.

    • @interguys
      @interguys 2 года назад +5

      The chemistry makes it so much better

    • @catastrophecrew8726
      @catastrophecrew8726 2 года назад +9

      they got a MAJOR bromance lol

    • @interguys
      @interguys 2 года назад +4

      @@catastrophecrew8726 haha for real!!

  • @jachu1433
    @jachu1433 2 года назад +478

    I can’t have enough of this group, real gentlemen, they get along so well, and genuinely enjoying their adventure in Korea. Thank you for sharing your fun with us. God bless you all

  • @hanaelachok
    @hanaelachok 2 года назад +129

    보비 새벽 3시 엄마한테 전화하는거 진짜 너무 귀엽네요 ㅋㅋㅋ 우리 아들도 저렇게 사랑스럽게 컸으면!

  • @jinny13
    @jinny13 Год назад +27

    The parents and the school should be so proud of these young men. Honestly. They are amazing people and I’m so happy they were able to have this incredible experience 🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @maplelump
    @maplelump 2 года назад +66

    Max saying he's Indian was a character development/plot twist I was not expecting haha

  • @jujujoojoo
    @jujujoojoo 2 года назад +2269

    Josh's reaction to Max stating he's Indian was probably how most people react when he says he's Chinese! 😋

    • @firdha5467
      @firdha5467 2 года назад +136

      Josh is Chinese?!

    • @sunnyscreatives9107
      @sunnyscreatives9107 2 года назад +80

      @@firdha5467 1/4

    • @marcelinauy9037
      @marcelinauy9037 2 года назад +257

      @@firdha5467 yep! His Dad is half chinese from what I could remember. Josh is also fluent in chinese. That's why he's so connected to asian culture.

    • @littlechalkie8030
      @littlechalkie8030 2 года назад +199

      @@marcelinauy9037 Also, Josh went to boarding school in China and a lot of his classmates were Korean so that how he was exposed to Korean culture initially.

    • @CookieCreamCrumble
      @CookieCreamCrumble 2 года назад +19

      @@littlechalkie8030 he didn’t go boarding school he went to international school

  • @nangmanboi
    @nangmanboi 2 года назад +1372

    와 제주도까지 갔어..? 진짜 이 한국여행이 잊지 못할 소중한 경험이겠다... 준비 많이 해주신 게 느껴지네요👍

  • @sarah3412
    @sarah3412 2 года назад +19

    Im here for the part where Max be liked “because im INDIAN” at 9:35

  • @colleenha1559
    @colleenha1559 2 года назад +814

    I love that Bobby was excited to share with his mom! Shows how loving he is toward his mom!, go Bobby!!!!

  • @duck1743
    @duck1743 2 года назад +433

    피드백 반영해주셔서 감사해요~! 영상이 더 길어져서 기쁘고 다음주에도 학생들 많이 노는거 보고 싶어요!!! 학생들 에그드랍 잘 먹었길 바라며 추억 잘 쌓고 갔길 바래요!!

  • @smile-ys8zv
    @smile-ys8zv 2 года назад +793

    빠른 피드백 반영해주신거 감사하고 대단해요 영국남자팀!! 이번 시리즈 처음부터 끝까지 기획, 진행하시느라 너무 고생하셨어요!! 덕분에 매주 수요일마다 영상보면서 같이 한국을 즐기고 있네요ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 앞으로도 응원합니다!!

  • @tangpenguin
    @tangpenguin 2 года назад +44

    josh and ollie: brings the boys to eat all kinds of sandwiches
    armand: loves the harsh brown and corn the most